Saturday, August 4

Chinese Restaurant, August 3rd

The overweight man in overalls (and a slightly intrusive nude Betty Boop tattoo on his arm) says to the young parents that his son is 26, and that things will change once the baby starts crawling.

Some women at another table debate the pronunciation of "Tsao's". They can't decide if it's 'chows' or 'dows' or 'tsaous'.

Just before leaving a lady tells her husband that she has to see the baby, and the young parents show him off yet again. He draws a lot of attention, which the introverted couple is not used to. The lady wants to see him smile.

A mother ponders something illustrative of American prosperity: "I can't decide if I want crispy or soft noodles with my chow mein." She orders the crispy noodles, but says it was a hard decision.

A father grows impatient, as the check has not come yet. He says to his wife that the tip is getting smaller by the minute. Some of this is due to his impatience, some of it due to his newfound frugality as a working father/student not living next door to his parents anymore.

The fortune cookies come (and the check). One of them reads, "You will receive helpful information."

A women who just came in says that the baby is cute, and guesses that he is 3 months old. Actually he is 3.9 months.

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